Actualité et mémoire des luttes à Saint-Étienne et ailleurs
Publié le 25 novembre 2005 | Maj le 1er mai 2020 | 1 complément

Izmir & La France Brûle annoncent Ecowar + Golem of Flesh le Sam 03 décembre 2005

ECOWAR (NL-Australie) sont de retour à Saint-Étienne après la tournée « War is Terror » accompagnant l’entrée en guerre des USA contre l’Irak, pour une nouvelle salve de brûlots folk-punk. Yaouh ! Ils ont sortis 3 CD autoproduits pour ceux/celles que ça intéresse (« Ecowar », « Fighting Spirit », « War is Terror »).

GOLEM OF FLESH, c’est la nouvelle sensation du hip-hop montbrisonnais, revendiqué « athéiste » pour faire plaisir à Michel Onfray.

Ca se passe au squat Izmir, qui rappellons-le est expulsable à partir du 26 Décembre...
Du coup, on va occuper l’espace jusqu’au bout, héhé...

Donc concert le Sam 03 Déc, dès 18H33, prix libre.
Izmir 3, rue de la Sablière / St É

Et pour ne pas changer une bonne tradition, quelques textes revendicatifs :


Fuck you immigration man, can’t you see what you’re doing ?
You got a home to go to tonight
Some of us just keep on moving
Not going to take our freedom
You curse and stare us out of sight
But there’s gypsy boys in the interview room
You couldn’t handle what they have been through
Don’t think you know what they feel
They have power in themselves
You just get power from your job
How dare you take them from their friends and fun
We have more fun than you
I can see a different world

Stuff you immigration woman
Can’t you see what you’re doing ?
You got a home to go to tonight
He escaped from an iraqi prison
In his manner is desperation
He just wants to have a better life
There’s dark skinned boys in the interview rooms

Can’t you see their torcher wounds
Don’t seem to act like you’re a human being
I’ll turn my cell into a playpen
Lawyer called I’ll soon be walking
Make some origami with your charge sheet
We’re gonna get past you, I think we’ll get past you
I can see a different world !

All over our dying planet there’s people on the run, croatian, albanian, timorese and thousands of others, in their country is poverty, war and all kind of oppression, and still the borders of the rich nations are tightening so only the wealthy are welcome. New laws show a deliberate attempt to discourage asylum seekers. These people are turned away, put in detention or allowed no means of income while they wait their assement. Often refugees seek help fromthe very countries that cause their harsh lives to start with, cause the privelaged nations steal the resources of the developing world, arm and support those brutal regimes. And still the racists are saying, oh they’ll steal our jobs or they’re so lazy they won’t work...C’mon sharing culture is the best fun, new clothes, new food, new music, new ideas. Wealthy people have gotta learn to share a bit more and there’s people crowded onto small boats using false passports,hiding in car boots. Wasting time behind the wire just trying to get somewhere that’s safe and still the borders are being slammed shut in their faces. That’s why every time I’m standing in that passport queue, you know what I’ll be singing...


Screamed No !!! Upon the streets
No more capitalist schemes
Seattle, L.A., Melbourne, Prague
Putting on our hoods, painting our banners
Famine zone starves and screams
Waking up the elite countries
No world bank No IMF too
We need a fairer world come on let’s go !

Getting in their faces, getting in their faces

Chiapas Zapatistas Timor Freedom fighters
People of euskadi Native land rights
Students Indonesia AIM in America
Liverpool Dockers Australian forests
Mumia Abdul Amnesty International
We want independance got corporate control
Warsaw ghetto rising MOVE and Waco killing
Drilling the oil Talking climate control
When they want to hurt you what you gonna do
We need to fight now it’s not a stupid proving ground
Prosecuting war crimes Bombing civilians
Tell us we’re violent calling us violent

No justice, no peace, fuck the police !

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1 complément

  • Salut

    Le concert était annoncé à 18h33 pétante : c’est une erreur, en fait on ouvrira bien à 18h33 (à quelques minutes près ;-) ), mais le concert commencera plutôt aux alentours de 19h30. Désolé-e-s.

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Lire aussi dans SQUAT IZMIR (2003 - 2006)

Lire aussi dans SAINT-ÉTIENNE


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