Actualité et mémoire des luttes à Saint-Étienne et ailleurs
Publié le 22 mai 2005 | Maj le 13 mai 2020

La France Pue annonce : Behind Enemy Lines + All Systems Fails + Social Chaos

Mardi 31 Mai / Elephant Pub / St Etienne

BEHIND ENEMY LINES (Pittsburgh/USA) font partie de ces groupes qui ne se contentent pas de 2/3 slogans en terme de contenu politique. Leur dernier album (« The Global Cannibal ») est conçu comme un concept-LP autour de l’administration de George W.Bush... et c’est un euphémisme de dire qu’il y a pas mal de choses à dénoncer, bigoterie, mouvements « pro-life », soutien au gouvernement israëlien, politique colonialiste et expansioniste etc... (voir textes ci-dessous) Depuis cet album ils ont une nouvelle bassiste, et toujours le chanteur d’AUS-ROTTEN.
plus d’infos :

ALL SYSTEM FAILS viennent de Salt Lake City, officient dans le même registre anarcho-crust que leur compatriotes ci-dessus, normal, là aussi y’a 2 ex-AUS-ROTTEN.

SOCIAL CHAOS débarquent du Brésil et complètent le tableau de cette soirée apocalyptique avec une bonne dose de grind-crust des familles.

Hop, et ça se passera le Mar 31 MAI / Elephant Pub / Rue de la Richelandière / ST ETIENNE / 20H $5

Once again America has chosen to keep its eyes shut.
Content in our national ignorance as long as all danger is kept out of sight.
We don’t want to hear the reasons why this happened.
We only want revenge.
We only want to feel safe again and we’re all willing to pretend that if we hunt down those responsible then the danger will disappear and we won’t have to lock ourselves inside our homes, cowering in fear. But we must ready our nation’s defenses against more possible attacks.
Our government is going to need our help to fight the terrorists whenever they comeback.
As long as I’m safe I’ll give my government the power to decide what rights of mine to throw away.
As long as I’m safe I’ll support legislation giving who already have too much power just a little more.
I’ll trade away my rights for a peaceful night of sleep.
I’ll trade away my rights for the illusion of safety.
I’ll trade away my rights for a false sense of security.
As long as I’m safe they can spy me 24 hours a day, erect video surveillance all over our communities.
As long as I’m safe I’ll succumb to phone taping,
unwarranted searches and mandatory fingerprinting.
I’ll trade away my rights to help our leaders get revenge.
I’ll trade away my rights to make sure this will never happen again.
I’ll trade away my rights for the illusion of safety.
I’ll trade away my rights for a false sense of security.
The Bill of Rights is null and void.
An army of cops has been deployed.
Every citizen is now a defendant.
Illegal seizure of the 4th amendment.
As long as I’m safe I’ll ignore the suffering in the rest of the world that our government is causing.
I’ll trade away my rights to make sure these terrorists are stopped.
I’ll trade away my rights to help put America back on top.
I’ll trade away my rights for the illusion of safety.
I’ll trade away my rights for a false sense of security.
As long as I’m safe then it’s all been worth it.

Religious zealots, self-proclaimed crusaders.
God’s bigoted soldiers are nothing more than women-haters.
Their beliefs and ideals are taken from the pages of the book of lies and can be interpreted to any end, any agenda can be propagandized.
So Christian soldiers, listen up as God instructs you all to kill and maim and firebomb women’s health care clinics, enacting terror in his name.
Employing ignorant, hateful rhetoric to dress their agenda up as fact and justify their terrorism as a religiously sanctioned divine attack.
Health care providers are threatened with slayings and mutilation.
Women seeking medical help are subjected to harrassment and intimidation by sick extremists like Clayton Waagner, James Kopp and the Rev. Donald Spitz.
I’m not interested in the twisted lies of morally bankrupt hypocrites.
The army of god makes martyrs out of terrorists who kill and maim.
The army of god is playing god, condemning others in his name.
They actually believe that a woman who’s been raped should now be forced to bear a child.
In their opinion her violation and unwanted pregnancy should be reconciled.
There’s only one opinion that matters when it’s time to make that choice and it doesn’t belong to a fictitious God who supposedly speaks through a bigot’s voice.
The army of god makes martyrs out of terrorists who kill and maim.
The army of god is playing god, condemning others in his name.
It’s painfully obvious that defending life is really not their goal.
It’s all about suppressing women’s rights with hierarchical control.
They embrace their sexist ideology with aspirations to oppress.
So if these bigots represent a creation of gods, I’m really not impressed.
They even denounce peaceful anti-choice activists as closet abortionists.
Because if you’re not willing to kill for God or bomb health care clinics then you apparently don’t understand how precious life really is and how killing will illustrate that point in some twisted, confused show of justice.
The army of god makes martyrs out of terrorists who kill and maim.
The army of god is playing god, condemning others in his name.

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