Actualité et mémoire des luttes à Saint-Étienne et ailleurs
Publié le 18 mai 2007 | Maj le 1er janvier 2019

Defend Koepi !!! Demonstrations alone are no solutions !!!

On May 8th the « Koepi » in Berlin was auctioned. Some weeks before the press released this enterprise. As Reaction of the auction, many demonstrations followed. All demos included a high act of verbal radicalism which was celebrated unconditionally by majority of the participating people. But also the situations of the demos showed a part of defence. The sworn radicalism was mostly failed.
Aufruf zu einer Köpi-Soli-Kampagne

During the auction some glass-brokes of commerzbank-houses happen in the federal, that was nearly all until now. In 2001 the threatening of an auction of « Koepi » was able to cause a huge wave of anger, so the counts of demolition can prevent an auction. This have to be the goal TODAY ! It doesn`t matter the objects of prestige attacked by capitalism and the state, as well as it`s related to the fight of keeping « Koepi ». Until now there were no evidences against the new owner of « Koepi ». But the countdown for the most possile damage has just begun. As long as there is a bang the « Koepi » is so much unattractive being an object to speculate on.
The spreaded sentence about that « Koepi » cannot be auctioned at all and the police feared in entering the « Koepi » are a complete joke in our eyes. « Koepi » only stays a risky capital, as long there are people who dare the risk.
According on the Soli-Campaigns for « Koepi » in the past, including militant actions, blurs on the city`s image, hunged banners or streetart showed solidarity with « Koepi ». Also the creation of stickers and posters and the organisation of soli-actions and concerts for « Koepi » happened in bigger measures and belonged federally to a « good vibration » !

Possibilities to support « Koepi » :

Actions :
* Create Grafitis, posters and streetart for « Koepi » !
* Attack police-stations, banks, objects of prestige !
* mobilize to the Demos relating « Koepi » and also organise illegal spontaneous demos on your own !

Commercials :
* Create and spread Soli-Koepi-stickers and flyer
* Include the Slogan « Koepi stays risky capital among your arrangements and link the »Koepi"-Homepage !
* Include a tip to « Koepi » on your call-out-texts, as far as it`s possible !
*Set a link to the « Koepi » on your homepages, blogs and My-Space-Sites

* arrange Soli-Concerts for « Koepi » and aim

Fight against sleep
It has to be appreciated that our demonstrations are often nothing more than meetings for the press and a repressive cause for the police. Just actions made outside of legal political forms will really cause riots. But these actions have to be made public ! Please release this report and your own reports related to your actions on Indymedia ! Let us concentrate the different politicla fights of the left-wing and bring some serious problems to the state by way of exception ! To lose control about youself always is the best reation !

For more criminal energy !
No dialogue with speculators and cops !
« Koepi » stays risky capital !

Some Activists for free spaces


P.S. :
(1) Do not photograph during actions ! On Grafiti-documentaries etc delete the meta-dates, otherwise the cops know the sort of camera the photo was shot. Do NEVER upload reports at home ! As always, the same procedure : Anna & Arthur remain silent !
Anmerkung :
(2) Demos not only have to start in front of « Koepi »

Proposé par silvain
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