Actualité et mémoire des luttes à Saint-Étienne et ailleurs
Publié le 20 juin 2003 | Maj le 11 décembre 2020

First demo against EU in Thessaloniki Thursday June 19th

The Anarchist Demo has finished a few minutes ago. Thousands of people joined it and it was a fascinating demo.
At about 6 o’ clock, the people that gathered in front of the IMC info point in the University Campus, headed out of the University towards the demo meeting point. we were about 3000. The spirit was excellent. Olympiados street was flooded with people, most of them anarchists. Whenever we reached a point where the road was either descending or going up and there was a view from the street filled with people, the block was bursting into clapping and screaming. the demo passed through Ollympiados street and then through Sykies and Neapoli, which are neighborhoods where most of the Thessaloniki’s immigrants are living. people were shouting slogans all the time, all kind of slogans, some of them expressing solidarity to immigrants and some againts the cops. people were out, at their balconies, clapping at the Demo. the presence of the police was not that obvious at first but then they started following the demo with cameras and under-cover cops. from the moment that the demo reached Agiou Dimitriou street and then to Egnatia there was riot police in every Egnatia the demo crossed the demo organised by the antirracist initiative of thessaloniki. the number of the people who have joined our demo has increased a lot and towards the end of the of the demo the anarchist block was counting over 6000 people. the route was a lot of kilometres and towards the end people were exhausted and did not have the strength to shout any more slogans. throughout the demo the walls of the city were filled with slogans and a few cameras hanging over the streets were destroyed. the attitude of the people participating was exemplary and the demo started out and finished the way it was planed. it was na excellent demo and a wonderful experience for all those who joined it. the bloody weather did not bother us at all.

A very good start !

Proposé par silvain
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