Actualité et mémoire des luttes à Saint-Étienne et ailleurs
Publié le 26 août 2005 | Maj le 13 mai 2020

La France Pue annonce : Born/Dead + Wasted + Plaine Crasse

On les avait loupés lors de leur dernière tournée européenne, cette fois-ci, on pourra donc voir BORN/DEAD, originaires d’Oakland en Californie, dans une soirée qui s’annonce on ne peut plus punk-rock. Après un LP (« Our Darkest fears now haunt us »), un split avec CONSUME et une poignée de EP, BORN/DEAD sortent un LP 5 titres (Prank Rds), juste pour la tournée. Hardcore-punk furax et politisé comme il se doit. (cf ci-dessous)
WASTED, évoluent dans le punkrock le plus pur, ça rappellera des trucs aux fans de LEATHERFACE. Ils ont une discographie fournie pour un groupe assez récent : 3 LP, 1mlp et 3EP (Combat Rock Industry, Boss Tuneage, Trujaca Fala). Et comme leurs compères ricains un discours radical sans failles.

Et nous aurons aussi la joie de découvrir PLAINE CRASSE, groupe anarcho-punk grrrenoblois, qui s’essaiera à la scène française après une tournée triomphale en Espagne.

Elephant Pub / Rue de la Richelandière / ST Etienne / Parking Place Giron / $5 comme d’hab’.


BORN/DEAD « Mind Control/So ends our dream »
How many lives have been crushed by the machine ?
How many starve from the amount of our greed.
Billions below the sustinence threshold.
Lives are left wrecked, squandered in toil.
So ends our dreams they have now been forsaken.
Live in a constant state of mind control.
Endless quest for material wealth, a self serving existence to isolate one’s self.
Constant fear keep us divided, conditioned to hate, but never to question why.
The simplistic methods of state control.
Seperate the masses.
Divide and rule.
Still thinking that this is as good as it gets.
Your freedom is defined with a gun in your back.
What they call life, I call death.
What they call freedom I see as self imposed slavery.
The values they hold can be bought or sold, and without even a thought they will never see the irony.
Because billions serve as unknown slaves.
They dig their graves for minimum wage, but it’s not too late.
With crushing blows to the armies of the rich, blood will flow, this is revenge.
For centuries of slavery and servitude, we have one chance to start anew. This is just the beginning, we will not be stopped !
« Never be decieved that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth » - Sam Baine

WASTED « One of them »

You want a riot, you want a revolution, you make a change and you’ll never give in, but as soon as you realised that now you’ve hit the bigtime, you took the money and forgot where you came from, « fuck the rich and their capital goal ! », you say, but now you started working for the ones you hated, your waterered down crap to entertain the masses won’t make a difference, no one gives a fuck you’re saying

you sold your soul to the ones you hated, when did you forget who your enemy is, another story how rebellion faded, you got traded and now you’re one of them

money buys fame and money buys success, but the ones who hand it have got you on a rope, and when they realise that you’re not needed, you’re gonna fall as fast as you climbed up, this is an attitude, this is not just music, an underground web, that’s out of your reach, we don’t need your money or your filthy fucking contracts, bloodsucking managers, we can do it ourselves !

when did you forget who your enemy is ? when did you forget what integrity is ? you got bought and you got sold, you sold your soul to the ones you hated !

WASTED « Reality check »

Up above in an ivory tower, he’s got the privilege, he’s got the power, born with a fortune, born with a servant, wiping off the sweat out of white man’s collar, down below in bombshelters and banks, shit for food and piss for drink, a tainted black skin, he’s waiting in silence, ’til the village is emptied by the white man’s law

It’s time for changing roles, forget all you were living for, They’re burning your house down, unveiling the truth, you’ll die, It’s time for changing roles, forget all you were living for, They’re coming to get you, you cannot run and hide, rearrange the li(f)e you lived

Artificial life on a golden plate, your feet’ve only touched the cement that leads to your cars and on to the mall, reality filtered through the TV-set, now go working 15 hours on a field with no pay and a gun points at your head, all your friends are killed by the government, don’t even crack a smile, ’cause your turn is next

Proposé par silvain
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